all postcodes in SP5 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP5 2DG 25 0 50.955162 -1.649518
SP5 2DN 1 0 50.964821 -1.662033
SP5 2DP 18 0 50.971414 -1.65663
SP5 2DR 6 0 50.974346 -1.653475
SP5 2DS 7 1 50.97198 -1.662565
SP5 2DT 6 0 50.975585 -1.646971
SP5 2PB 3 0 50.981728 -1.68862
SP5 2DU 5 2 50.977989 -1.656995
SP5 2DW 7 0 50.958484 -1.629763
SP5 2DX 2 0 50.977538 -1.655991
SP5 2DY 1 0 50.978017 -1.66349
SP5 2DZ 1 0 50.983089 -1.66361
SP5 2EA 10 0 50.977455 -1.671585
SP5 2EB 1 0 50.982622 -1.670323
SP5 2ED 6 3 50.978387 -1.631338
SP5 2EE 3 0 50.980337 -1.63665
SP5 2EF 1 0 50.981528 -1.63788
SP5 2EG 2 0 50.982899 -1.638386
SP5 2EH 5 1 50.980807 -1.649154
SP5 2EJ 2 1 50.986483 -1.643174