all postcodes in SR2 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR2 7UJ 4 0 54.889268 -1.371279
SR2 7UP 22 0 54.887767 -1.375089
SR2 7UQ 4 0 54.888997 -1.370987
SR2 7UR 1 0 54.889059 -1.372607
SR2 7UT 7 0 54.889127 -1.373604
SR2 7UU 12 0 54.888727 -1.374405
SR2 7UW 10 0 54.888554 -1.372225
SR2 7UX 14 0 54.88855 -1.374969
SR2 7UY 14 0 54.888105 -1.375927
SR2 7UZ 9 0 54.887484 -1.373848
SR2 7WX 1 0 54.918376 -1.420249
SR2 7WY 1 0 54.918376 -1.420249
SR2 7YJ 1 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR2 7YW 1 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR2 7NR 47 0 54.898869 -1.39151
SR2 7NS 6 0 54.8993 -1.391394
SR2 7ZS 1 54.918376 -1.420249
SR2 7QB 0 54.897304 -1.382287
SR2 7RQ 0 54.892497 -1.389595
SR2 7SW 12 0 54.893404 -1.376968