all postcodes in SR2 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR2 7LT 15 0 54.899999 -1.396358
SR2 7LU 50 0 54.900443 -1.395353
SR2 7LW 30 0 54.899444 -1.396756
SR2 7LX 8 0 54.899685 -1.394663
SR2 7LY 38 0 54.898866 -1.394457
SR2 7LZ 3 1 54.897963 -1.39355
SR2 7NA 1 1 54.896963 -1.393051
SR2 7NB 52 0 54.898628 -1.395443
SR2 7ND 10 0 54.899683 -1.39602
SR2 7NE 8 0 54.898727 -1.397188
SR2 7NF 21 0 54.89816 -1.39704
SR2 7NG 24 0 54.897378 -1.396974
SR2 7NH 17 1 54.897536 -1.398063
SR2 7NJ 45 2 54.898803 -1.39823
SR2 7NL 30 0 54.89496 -1.387858
SR2 7NN 6 0 54.896954 -1.384085
SR2 7NP 16 0 54.900816 -1.388939
SR2 7NQ 46 1 54.899097 -1.397742
SR2 7NU 6 0 54.902802 -1.394382
SR2 7NX 87 0 54.902496 -1.394309