all postcodes in SR2 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR2 7HP 1 54.896231 -1.387166
SR2 7HQ 1 54.895681 -1.384635
SR2 7HR 1 54.89679 -1.387175
SR2 7HS 0 54.897322 -1.387572
SR2 7HT 0 54.89773 -1.388315
SR2 7HU 0 54.898005 -1.387515
SR2 7HW 0 54.895576 -1.385307
SR2 7HX 0 54.895445 -1.384186
SR2 7HY 0 54.898109 -1.38689
SR2 7HZ 0 54.89405 -1.38388
SR2 7JB 0 54.894661 -1.383793
SR2 7JF 0 54.90186 -1.391231
SR2 7JG 0 54.901111 -1.392224
SR2 7JH 0 54.901135 -1.395374
SR2 7JJ 0 54.900665 -1.394773
SR2 7JL 0 54.900863 -1.391293
SR2 7JN 1 54.899902 -1.391539
SR2 7JP 0 54.901334 -1.388726
SR2 7JQ 0 54.900993 -1.393848
SR2 7JR 1 54.899981 -1.389092