all postcodes in SR2 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR2 7EH 0 54.89609 -1.378873
SR2 7EJ 0 54.896324 -1.380384
SR2 7EN 0 54.895829 -1.378458
SR2 7ER 1 54.900739 -1.387926
SR2 7ES 0 54.900053 -1.387469
SR2 7ET 0 54.898695 -1.387472
SR2 7EU 0 54.898918 -1.386847
SR2 7EX 0 54.899014 -1.386362
SR2 7EY 0 54.898016 -1.386268
SR2 7EZ 0 54.897294 -1.385577
SR2 7HA 0 54.897417 -1.384967
SR2 7HB 0 54.896899 -1.385708
SR2 7HD 0 54.896849 -1.38641
SR2 7HE 0 54.897641 -1.386757
SR2 7HF 0 54.896465 -1.38537
SR2 7HG 0 54.896739 -1.384229
SR2 7HH 2 54.894052 -1.385954
SR2 7HJ 1 54.893315 -1.388021
SR2 7HL 0 54.895221 -1.384377
SR2 7HN 0 54.894551 -1.385135