all postcodes in SR2 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR2 7JS 0 54.899108 -1.392411
SR2 7JT 0 54.899913 -1.393646
SR2 7JU 0 54.899155 -1.392909
SR2 7JX 0 54.898291 -1.392688
SR2 7JY 0 54.901684 -1.391888
SR2 7JZ 0 54.897858 -1.390589
SR2 7LA 3 54.898444 -1.391249
SR2 7LB 0 54.899832 -1.388221
SR2 7LD 69 0 54.89754 -1.389908
SR2 7LE 42 0 54.897083 -1.390009
SR2 7LF 3 0 54.887127 -1.374584
SR2 7LG 37 0 54.9021 -1.392381
SR2 7LH 21 0 54.901436 -1.392563
SR2 7LJ 21 0 54.901134 -1.393285
SR2 7LL 25 0 54.901685 -1.393916
SR2 7LN 6 0 54.900192 -1.397244
SR2 7LP 37 1 54.898408 -1.396366
SR2 7LQ 28 0 54.901978 -1.393178
SR2 7LR 25 0 54.897738 -1.3953
SR2 7LS 5 1 54.900585 -1.396708