all postcodes in SR6 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR6 9BE 0 54.928198 -1.378537
SR6 9BG 0 54.929413 -1.378877
SR6 9BH 0 54.928284 -1.37774
SR6 9BJ 0 54.928343 -1.376958
SR6 9BL 0 54.929657 -1.377297
SR6 9BN 2 54.930248 -1.377052
SR6 9BP 6 54.929461 -1.381108
SR6 9BQ 0 54.929526 -1.378111
SR6 9BS 14 54.929724 -1.379887
SR6 9BT 1 54.929801 -1.380806
SR6 9BW 12 54.93004 -1.378368
SR6 9BX 27 54.929983 -1.379787
SR6 9DB 4 54.930473 -1.377035
SR6 9DJ 0 54.930349 -1.370248
SR6 9DL 0 54.930906 -1.372003
SR6 9DN 0 54.928304 -1.371154
SR6 9DP 0 54.927778 -1.371974
SR6 9DR 0 54.928329 -1.372543
SR6 9DS 0 54.929027 -1.371892
SR6 9DT 0 54.92926 -1.371748