all postcodes in SR6 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR6 9HB 0 54.927517 -1.373632
SR6 9HD 0 54.928787 -1.374127
SR6 9HE 0 54.927631 -1.374754
SR6 9HF 0 54.928271 -1.373417
SR6 9HG 0 54.928548 -1.374927
SR6 9HH 0 54.928523 -1.375302
SR6 9HJ 0 54.928386 -1.376505
SR6 9HL 0 54.927548 -1.376034
SR6 9HN 0 54.927534 -1.376846
SR6 9HP 0 54.927345 -1.378534
SR6 9HQ 0 54.927927 -1.37464
SR6 9HR 0 54.927349 -1.379361
SR6 9HS 0 54.927351 -1.379783
SR6 9HT 0 54.927746 -1.381415
SR6 9HU 0 54.926708 -1.382398
SR6 9HW 0 54.927556 -1.377642
SR6 9HX 0 54.927711 -1.381728
SR6 9HY 0 54.927457 -1.383027
SR6 9HZ 0 54.927997 -1.383081
SR6 9JA 0 54.928562 -1.382947