all postcodes in SR6 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR6 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR6 9RD 0 54.922115 -1.378615
SR6 9RE 0 54.922385 -1.378673
SR6 9RF 0 54.922818 -1.377401
SR6 9RG 0 54.926143 -1.382501
SR6 9RH 0 54.924761 -1.381117
SR6 9RJ 0 54.925369 -1.382294
SR6 9RL 0 54.92614 -1.383687
SR6 9RN 1 54.924234 -1.381812
SR6 9RP 0 54.923189 -1.38122
SR6 9RQ 0 54.92279 -1.378854
SR6 9RR 1 54.923789 -1.380852
SR6 9RS 0 54.924187 -1.383061
SR6 9RT 0 54.923131 -1.38225
SR6 9RU 0 54.92197 -1.381847
SR6 9RW 0 54.925149 -1.383327
SR6 9RX 0 54.921867 -1.382816
SR6 9RY 0 54.923074 -1.383312
SR6 9RZ 0 54.924467 -1.383416
SR6 9SA 0 54.924938 -1.384111
SR6 9SD 0 54.920559 -1.380183