all postcodes in SR6 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR6 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR6 9JH 0 54.924658 -1.380415
SR6 9JJ 0 54.9249 -1.380179
SR6 9JL 0 54.925575 -1.380325
SR6 9JN 0 54.925853 -1.380352
SR6 9JP 1 54.92661 -1.378889
SR6 9JQ 1 54.925453 -1.381091
SR6 9JR 0 54.926527 -1.375083
SR6 9JS 0 54.925996 -1.378383
SR6 9JT 0 54.925572 -1.37981
SR6 9JU 0 54.924919 -1.37865
SR6 9JW 0 54.926303 -1.380686
SR6 9JX 0 54.925346 -1.377769
SR6 9JY 0 54.92518 -1.378739
SR6 9JZ 0 54.925353 -1.377332
SR6 9LA 0 54.925377 -1.376801
SR6 9LB 0 54.925471 -1.375973
SR6 9LD 0 54.924247 -1.375446
SR6 9LE 0 54.925476 -1.375099
SR6 9LF 0 54.925507 -1.374209
SR6 9LG 3 54.925664 -1.373286