all postcodes in SR6 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR6 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR6 9DU 0 54.930042 -1.371767
SR6 9DW 0 54.92984 -1.370896
SR6 9DX 0 54.930266 -1.371576
SR6 9DY 0 54.93001 -1.37247
SR6 9DZ 0 54.928676 -1.373458
SR6 9EA 0 54.92908 -1.37342
SR6 9EB 0 54.930493 -1.37396
SR6 9ED 0 54.930044 -1.373967
SR6 9EE 2 54.930664 -1.375737
SR6 9EF 0 54.929888 -1.37514
SR6 9EG 0 54.929838 -1.375905
SR6 9EJ 0 54.929787 -1.376328
SR6 9EL 0 54.931367 -1.374243
SR6 9EN 0 54.929501 -1.368014
SR6 9EQ 5 54.930386 -1.375772
SR6 9ET 0 54.926577 -1.381277
SR6 9EU 3 54.92759 -1.380731
SR6 9EY 0 54.926905 -1.378588
SR6 9EZ 0 54.926871 -1.37553
SR6 9HA 0 54.926781 -1.373659