all postcodes in SW15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW15 2BS 0 51.459263 -0.212543
SW15 2EW 0 51.455227 -0.210306
SW15 2DL 0 51.457859 -0.210131
SW15 2SF 1 1 51.460496 -0.218564
SW15 2BB 0 51.457985 -0.208356
SW15 2BF 3 51.459387 -0.211789
SW15 2BG 0 51.459245 -0.211401
SW15 2BP 0 51.459377 -0.211814
SW15 2SX 0 51.459463 -0.209147
SW15 2DF 0 51.459497 -0.210202
SW15 2DT 1 51.459863 -0.209971
SW15 2DJ 0 51.459718 -0.210495
SW15 2DN 0 51.459863 -0.209971
SW15 2DP 0 51.459705 -0.209632
SW15 2DU 0 51.459901 -0.214312
SW15 2DW 0 51.459901 -0.214312
SW15 2EH 0 51.462704 -0.210604
SW15 2FJ 60 0 51.459494 -0.20823
SW15 2TR 1 51.460211 -0.215745