all postcodes in SW15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW15 2SA 56 0 51.458121 -0.20373
SW15 2SD 9 2 51.456832 -0.20296
SW15 2SE 12 0 51.458543 -0.207197
SW15 2SH 48 24 51.460725 -0.215825
SW15 2SL 2 2 51.460406 -0.214326
SW15 2SP 52 22 51.459909 -0.211879
SW15 2SU 23 3 51.459149 -0.209217
SW15 2SW 26 8 51.460222 -0.213499
SW15 2SY 35 0 51.459537 -0.208698
SW15 2SZ 4 4 51.459164 -0.210733
SW15 2TG 11 10 51.459728 -0.212971
SW15 2TH 48 0 51.459737 -0.213556
SW15 2TL 51 5 51.460076 -0.215169
SW15 2TN 14 6 51.460428 -0.216413
SW15 2DD 56 0 51.460221 -0.215811
SW15 2TS 15 0 51.456885 -0.203447
SW15 2TX 33 11 51.460426 -0.216255
SW15 2UE 18 1 51.45416 -0.211087
SW15 2UF 12 0 51.454865 -0.209557
SW15 2UG 16 0 51.455048 -0.20919