all postcodes in SW15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW15 2HF 21 0 51.45632 -0.215963
SW15 2HG 20 0 51.456 -0.214436
SW15 2HL 5 2 51.458212 -0.209671
SW15 2HN 6 0 51.45807 -0.209835
SW15 2HP 4 0 51.45668 -0.208896
SW15 2HQ 18 0 51.45643 -0.211353
SW15 2HR 17 0 51.455514 -0.20851
SW15 2HS 5 0 51.455594 -0.209587
SW15 2HT 38 0 51.456098 -0.209063
SW15 2HU 22 0 51.456048 -0.209885
SW15 2HW 50 0 51.457169 -0.209122
SW15 2HX 54 0 51.456316 -0.210983
SW15 2HY 12 0 51.457121 -0.210103
SW15 2HZ 12 0 51.457458 -0.210324
SW15 2JA 18 0 51.455766 -0.211465
SW15 2JB 9 0 51.455043 -0.21004
SW15 2JD 6 0 51.454852 -0.209903
SW15 2JE 38 1 51.455169 -0.211162
SW15 2JL 23 0 51.458498 -0.210178
SW15 2JN 18 0 51.458057 -0.210699