all postcodes in SW15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW15 2QT 69 0 51.458222 -0.205079
SW15 2QU 67 0 51.458964 -0.206518
SW15 2QW 13 0 51.459796 -0.199792
SW15 2QZ 30 0 51.458007 -0.208038
SW15 2RA 73 0 51.458514 -0.209472
SW15 2RB 7 3 51.458636 -0.20918
SW15 2RD 11 3 51.457811 -0.207557
SW15 2RE 13 0 51.457407 -0.207587
SW15 2RF 61 4 51.456621 -0.205607
SW15 2RG 61 0 51.458013 -0.203158
SW15 2RL 25 0 51.458298 -0.207091
SW15 2RN 19 1 51.457286 -0.205591
SW15 2RP 17 4 51.458572 -0.207959
SW15 2RQ 66 2 51.458249 -0.202679
SW15 2RR 21 0 51.458486 -0.205832
SW15 2RS 13 10 51.458233 -0.20636
SW15 2RT 24 0 51.457837 -0.206332
SW15 2RU 21 0 51.457167 -0.205466
SW15 2RX 27 4 51.456906 -0.204243
SW15 2RZ 49 0 51.457993 -0.204114