all postcodes in SW15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW15 2LR 45 0 51.461822 -0.209947
SW15 2LS 47 0 51.461816 -0.209559
SW15 2LW 53 6 51.461978 -0.210724
SW15 2NA 17 7 51.464293 -0.212759
SW15 2NF 7 0 51.463333 -0.207561
SW15 2NG 77 3 51.463513 -0.211139
SW15 2NJ 39 1 51.463119 -0.208342
SW15 2NL 25 1 51.463492 -0.20981
SW15 2NN 35 5 51.46421 -0.21089
SW15 2NP 35 2 51.464747 -0.211301
SW15 2NQ 30 6 51.462904 -0.208969
SW15 2NU 57 4 51.463859 -0.208462
SW15 2NW 33 5 51.463918 -0.21119
SW15 2NY 32 1 51.462101 -0.207595
SW15 2NZ 25 1 51.461813 -0.206421
SW15 2PA 82 12 51.46134 -0.204256
SW15 2PD 1 1 51.464789 -0.214021
SW15 2PE 16 1 51.46265 -0.20992
SW15 2PG 20 17 51.464428 -0.213977
SW15 2PP 3 1 51.464174 -0.213239