all postcodes in TD15 / BERWICK-UPON-TWEED

find any address or company within the TD15 postcode district

Postcode Area

TD / Galashiels

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TD15 1LZ 43 1 55.774327 -2.004804
TD15 1NA 19 1 55.774228 -2.007403
TD15 1NB 6 1 55.774588 -2.007498
TD15 1ND 16 0 55.77466 -2.006494
TD15 1NE 3 2 55.77563 -2.003402
TD15 1NF 27 2 55.773401 -2.009634
TD15 1NG 32 7 55.772491 -2.009421
TD15 1NL 6 0 55.779492 -2.022454
TD15 1NP 18 1 55.776246 -2.012992
TD15 1NR 18 0 55.775809 -2.014497
TD15 1NS 39 0 55.777929 -2.014513
TD15 1NT 45 0 55.777678 -2.01268
TD15 1NU 10 0 55.779161 -2.011963
TD15 1NW 31 0 55.781298 -2.017098
TD15 1NX 36 0 55.780265 -2.014578
TD15 1NY 37 0 55.779996 -2.015551
TD15 1NZ 24 0 55.777929 -2.019137
TD15 1PB 13 1 55.776769 -2.024748
TD15 1PE 1 0 55.772518 -2.027343
TD15 1PF 4 0 55.778907 -2.025116