all postcodes in TN12 / TONBRIDGE

find any address or company within the TN12 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN12 9HR 2 51.17431 0.491493
TN12 9HS 6 51.174819 0.491662
TN12 9HT 0 51.173558 0.490507
TN12 9HU 0 51.172939 0.491289
TN12 9HW 0 51.173795 0.491192
TN12 9HX 0 51.174496 0.490801
TN12 9HY 0 51.174409 0.490224
TN12 9HZ 1 51.174224 0.489198
TN12 9JA 0 51.174709 0.490097
TN12 9JB 1 51.174426 0.488594
TN12 9JD 0 51.173876 0.492055
TN12 9JE 0 51.173801 0.488374
TN12 9JF 0 51.173539 0.48839
TN12 9JG 0 51.17327 0.488388
TN12 9JH 0 51.172858 0.48831
TN12 9JJ 0 51.172768 0.488291
TN12 9JL 0 51.172599 0.488182
TN12 9JN 0 51.172519 0.488149
TN12 9JP 0 51.172023 0.487849
TN12 9JQ 0 51.172993 0.488303