all postcodes in TN12 / TONBRIDGE

find any address or company within the TN12 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN12 9JR 0 51.17156 0.487582
TN12 9JS 0 51.170912 0.487231
TN12 9JT 0 51.170634 0.487159
TN12 9JU 0 51.170317 0.486841
TN12 9JW 0 51.172376 0.488098
TN12 9JX 2 51.173568 0.48789
TN12 9JY 0 51.172206 0.487258
TN12 9LA 0 51.173229 0.498773
TN12 9LB 1 51.173185 0.513006
TN12 9LD 0 51.173582 0.515875
TN12 9LE 0 51.173794 0.514341
TN12 9LF 0 51.17358 0.515905
TN12 9LG 0 51.166617 0.517269
TN12 9PZ 0 51.171327 0.518615
TN12 9LH 0 51.160134 0.516773
TN12 9LJ 1 51.159428 0.514089
TN12 9LL 0 51.160663 0.511797
TN12 9LN 0 51.159089 0.50978
TN12 9LP 0 51.163704 0.508401
TN12 9LR 0 51.164632 0.507534