all postcodes in TN12 / TONBRIDGE

find any address or company within the TN12 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN12 9LS 1 51.163478 0.491251
TN12 9LT 1 51.15939 0.485096
TN12 9LU 0 51.15404 0.48418
TN12 9LW 0 51.1613 0.509842
TN12 9LX 2 51.153555 0.481636
TN12 9LY 0 51.161666 0.483817
TN12 9NA 0 51.150902 0.482896
TN12 9NB 1 51.149179 0.481472
TN12 9ND 2 51.146785 0.47561
TN12 9NE 0 51.144953 0.481389
TN12 9NF 0 51.144723 0.481233
TN12 9NG 0 51.143582 0.480328
TN12 9NH 2 51.165167 0.4812
TN12 9NJ 0 51.165025 0.484082
TN12 9NL 0 51.165263 0.484239
TN12 9NN 0 51.165644 0.484517
TN12 9NP 0 51.170766 0.479283
TN12 9NQ 0 51.142897 0.48035
TN12 9NS 5 51.15926 0.480697
TN12 9NT 0 51.160699 0.478987