all postcodes in TN13 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN13 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN13 1HG 1 51.273348 0.188827
TN13 1HH 0 51.272774 0.189216
TN13 1HJ 7 51.272209 0.188717
TN13 1HS 0 51.266617 0.193885
TN13 1HU 1 51.266104 0.194805
TN13 1HW 1 51.271355 0.194942
TN13 1HX 2 51.267927 0.194033
TN13 1HY 1 51.265898 0.193377
TN13 1HZ 0 51.266608 0.193411
TN13 1JA 1 51.267274 0.191909
TN13 1JB 0 51.268306 0.192501
TN13 1JD 4 51.268264 0.193791
TN13 1JE 0 51.268409 0.193268
TN13 1JF 7 51.26902 0.193282
TN13 1JG 8 51.268897 0.194108
TN13 1JJ 0 51.270002 0.19611
TN13 1JL 1 51.269247 0.193652
TN13 1JN 0 51.270078 0.194392
TN13 1JR 6 51.269729 0.193343
TN13 1JT 2 51.268862 0.191639