all postcodes in TN3 / TUNBRIDGE WELLS

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN30 6PD 5 0 51.085139 0.695226
TN30 6PE 20 0 51.084635 0.696425
TN30 6PG 2 0 51.085542 0.696381
TN30 6PH 1 0 51.086467 0.696118
TN30 6PJ 22 0 51.085755 0.698932
TN30 6PL 40 0 51.085909 0.693429
TN30 6PN 4 0 51.085085 0.692482
TN30 6PP 1 0 51.086396 0.691815
TN30 6PQ 6 0 51.085848 0.696082
TN30 6PR 6 4 51.084625 0.692155
TN30 6PS 20 0 51.084914 0.693257
TN30 6PT 7 2 51.08521 0.690989
TN30 6PU 10 1 51.086414 0.68986
TN30 6PX 16 0 51.085715 0.691304
TN30 6PY 8 0 51.087735 0.690665
TN30 6QA 1 0 51.088951 0.689836
TN30 6QB 12 0 51.073442 0.690749
TN30 6QD 7 0 51.074197 0.690778
TN30 6QE 28 0 51.075204 0.689609
TN30 6QF 4 0 51.072298 0.690426