all postcodes in TR13 / HELSTON

find any address or company within the TR13 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR13 0NX 1 0 50.115366 -5.223673
TR13 0NY 1 0 50.115093 -5.215386
TR13 0PB 7 0 50.128909 -5.259612
TR13 0PD 2 0 50.154511 -5.21804
TR13 0PE 62 1 50.106017 -5.262056
TR13 0PF 5 1 50.106102 -5.257372
TR13 0PG 7 0 50.110538 -5.252875
TR13 0PH 15 0 50.112405 -5.247252
TR13 0PJ 12 0 50.112909 -5.246278
TR13 0PL 8 0 50.112922 -5.246802
TR13 0PN 7 0 50.114801 -5.238465
TR13 0PP 37 0 50.121432 -5.24582
TR13 0PQ 13 0 50.1129 -5.249146
TR13 0PR 3 0 50.123955 -5.248934
TR13 0PS 5 0 50.125131 -5.253165
TR13 0PT 3 0 50.120327 -5.256043
TR13 0PU 11 0 50.112176 -5.247054
TR13 0PW 12 0 50.117365 -5.244229
TR13 0PX 1 1 50.131619 -5.250237
TR13 0PY 6 2 50.130774 -5.251817