all postcodes in TR13 / HELSTON

find any address or company within the TR13 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR13 0RN 1 50.112632 -5.307693
TR13 0RP 0 50.117395 -5.307238
TR13 0RQ 0 50.098602 -5.298363
TR13 0RR 0 50.116036 -5.295556
TR13 0RS 0 50.11142 -5.289871
TR13 0RT 0 50.11726 -5.294889
TR13 0RU 0 50.126937 -5.301315
TR13 0RW 1 50.11384 -5.308224
TR13 0RX 1 50.130811 -5.300817
TR13 0RY 2 50.133845 -5.291256
TR13 0RZ 1 50.129203 -5.287103
TR13 0SA 1 50.107238 -5.284726
TR13 0SB 2 50.091631 -5.273566
TR13 0SH 0 50.112655 -5.274217
TR13 0SL 0 50.112588 -5.272758
TR13 0SN 0 50.111684 -5.276707
TR13 0SP 0 50.112767 -5.276291
TR13 0SR 3 50.099643 -5.279395
TR13 0SW 5 50.124572 -5.265049
TR13 0SX 0 50.112084 -5.275293