all postcodes in TR13 / HELSTON

find any address or company within the TR13 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR13 0QA 6 2 50.092104 -5.258352
TR13 0QB 5 0 50.08802 -5.246487
TR13 0QD 26 10 50.099808 -5.257588
TR13 0QE 2 0 50.100687 -5.245787
TR13 0QF 10 0 50.095537 -5.236018
TR13 0QG 3 0 50.102354 -5.239317
TR13 0QH 2 0 50.106827 -5.229529
TR13 0QJ 1 0 50.105651 -5.229743
TR13 0QL 0 50.11119 -5.275414
TR13 0QQ 0 50.100942 -5.231203
TR13 0RA 1 50.093798 -5.291065
TR13 0RB 0 50.085518 -5.303853
TR13 0RD 1 50.08509 -5.298693
TR13 0RE 0 50.08676 -5.30289
TR13 0RF 0 50.09974 -5.301682
TR13 0SG 0 50.096481 -5.304622
TR13 0RG 0 50.094365 -5.299959
TR13 0RH 0 50.106468 -5.294116
TR13 0RJ 0 50.103191 -5.314134
TR13 0RL 0 50.106863 -5.318794