all postcodes in TR15 / REDRUTH

find any address or company within the TR15 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR15 2DZ 22 0 50.23663 -5.218597
TR15 2EW 15 0 50.230847 -5.22665
TR15 2FB 42 0 50.228898 -5.216807
TR15 2FD 39 0 50.229319 -5.217193
TR15 2NX 10 0 50.219993 -5.213523
TR15 2FE 4 1 50.233652 -5.225739
TR15 2FG 20 0 50.226718 -5.217256
TR15 2FJ 2 0 50.231887 -5.225816
TR15 2FL 4 0 50.235566 -5.220952
TR15 2FH 40 0 50.233808 -5.22305
TR15 2FA 6 0 50.23492 -5.221561
TR15 2FR 4 0 50.232766 -5.223954
TR15 2SR 25 0 50.232958 -5.233539
TR15 2JS 0 50.23456 -5.225141
TR15 2HR 0 50.232978 -5.222825
TR15 2FQ 0 50.235705 -5.219215
TR15 2FF 0 50.231361 -5.221426
TR15 2ST 0 50.232135 -5.234367
TR15 2HW 0 50.23314 -5.223439
TR15 2TU 0 50.2314 -5.232971