all postcodes in TR15 / REDRUTH

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR15 2RD 3 0 50.226703 -5.222332
TR15 2RE 6 0 50.230184 -5.225911
TR15 2RF 3 0 50.229354 -5.224383
TR15 2RG 10 0 50.228915 -5.224297
TR15 2RH 18 0 50.229193 -5.224989
TR15 2RJ 32 0 50.230456 -5.226168
TR15 2RN 19 0 50.228404 -5.225882
TR15 2RP 5 0 50.228903 -5.226372
TR15 2RR 9 0 50.230426 -5.228515
TR15 2RW 1 0 50.228369 -5.226497
TR15 2RZ 17 3 50.232658 -5.230118
TR15 2SA 43 1 50.232149 -5.23225
TR15 2SD 1 1 50.232428 -5.230958
TR15 2SE 41 0 50.232858 -5.230706
TR15 2SH 4 1 50.231795 -5.231069
TR15 2SN 19 0 50.232705 -5.232631
TR15 2SP 39 11 50.232399 -5.22909
TR15 2SQ 51 9 50.232457 -5.231534
TR15 2SX 51 2 50.230822 -5.229804
TR15 2SZ 4 1 50.229445 -5.229178