all postcodes in TR15 / REDRUTH

find any address or company within the TR15 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR15 2NB 25 0 50.22595 -5.220619
TR15 2ND 14 0 50.224947 -5.219163
TR15 2NE 9 0 50.224794 -5.219462
TR15 2NF 11 0 50.22404 -5.217812
TR15 2NG 10 0 50.223676 -5.217949
TR15 2NH 9 0 50.220715 -5.214083
TR15 2NJ 32 0 50.225155 -5.221063
TR15 2NN 18 0 50.222255 -5.21629
TR15 2FN 8 0 50.222726 -5.217506
TR15 2NP 3 0 50.221292 -5.214052
TR15 2NQ 9 0 50.223523 -5.218584
TR15 2NR 4 0 50.223683 -5.219303
TR15 2NS 16 0 50.224346 -5.220048
TR15 2NU 4 0 50.225942 -5.217975
TR15 2NW 25 0 50.223135 -5.216377
TR15 2NY 10 0 50.225368 -5.218554
TR15 2PA 27 0 50.226125 -5.21885
TR15 2PB 10 0 50.226904 -5.218966
TR15 2PE 16 0 50.22669 -5.220543
TR15 2PP 5 3 50.232366 -5.228331