all postcodes in TR15 / REDRUTH

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR15 2BL 23 12 50.23317 -5.228203
TR15 2BN 56 0 50.224998 -5.21733
TR15 2BP 19 11 50.232885 -5.229404
TR15 2BQ 8 6 50.233577 -5.227809
TR15 2BT 22 0 50.232666 -5.228547
TR15 2BU 6 1 50.232763 -5.228912
TR15 2BY 17 6 50.233654 -5.230844
TR15 2DY 19 0 50.233355 -5.230627
TR15 2DB 22 5 50.233645 -5.230226
TR15 2DG 35 0 50.221499 -5.214388
TR15 2DH 4 0 50.239567 -5.216186
TR15 2DJ 2 0 50.239048 -5.214124
TR15 2DL 3 0 50.23978 -5.215948
TR15 2DN 4 0 50.23927 -5.216173
TR15 2DP 33 0 50.238347 -5.217044
TR15 2DR 15 0 50.236808 -5.217067
TR15 2DS 11 0 50.236609 -5.21774
TR15 2DT 1 1 50.233488 -5.230994
TR15 2DU 4 2 50.236519 -5.219354
TR15 2DW 5 0 50.237808 -5.216334