all postcodes in TR15 / REDRUTH

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR15 2TB 18 1 50.227847 -5.228446
TR15 2TF 17 0 50.229044 -5.227118
TR15 2TJ 23 0 50.22884 -5.232166
TR15 2TL 4 0 50.229845 -5.232606
TR15 2TN 2 0 50.228991 -5.233866
TR15 2TP 45 4 50.230143 -5.234519
TR15 2TQ 31 0 50.227747 -5.22717
TR15 2TS 6 0 50.231848 -5.234004
TR15 2TT 7 1 50.230458 -5.233194
TR15 2XF 2 0 50.22895 -5.220793
TR15 2XG 64 0 50.227574 -5.224648
TR15 2XQ 19 0 50.227255 -5.22612
TR15 2LQ 30 0 50.227431 -5.217501
TR15 2EN 10 0 50.2338 -5.222355
TR15 2NL 6 0 50.220208 -5.213236
TR15 2PD 8 0 50.231594 -5.22729
TR15 2TD 5 0 50.226891 -5.227856
TR15 2HX 4 0 50.227892 -5.221318
TR15 2EQ 6 0 50.232104 -5.226111
TR15 2AB 6 6 50.233215 -5.225948