all postcodes in TR2 / TRURO

find any address or company within the TR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR2 4DZ 9 0 50.31534 -4.927684
TR2 4EA 6 1 50.314761 -4.927519
TR2 4EB 6 0 50.315693 -4.927281
TR2 4ED 5 0 50.316449 -4.92757
TR2 4EE 24 0 50.317217 -4.928137
TR2 4EF 6 2 50.312498 -4.938706
TR2 4EH 16 0 50.319135 -4.907739
TR2 4EJ 12 2 50.324491 -4.929087
TR2 4EL 2 0 50.330835 -4.923901
TR2 4EP 3 0 50.341407 -4.930325
TR2 4EQ 42 0 50.318764 -4.928215
TR2 4ER 7 0 50.338656 -4.911591
TR2 4ES 12 1 50.333899 -4.908658
TR2 4ET 3 1 50.327176 -4.9145
TR2 4EU 3 0 50.338734 -4.908178
TR2 4EW 3 0 50.336331 -4.936098
TR2 4EX 5 1 50.34283 -4.904816
TR2 4EY 4 0 50.347721 -4.922504
TR2 4EZ 4 0 50.349405 -4.929187
TR2 4GD 6 0 50.290526 -4.949606