all postcodes in TR2 / TRURO

find any address or company within the TR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR2 4DD 6 1 50.292366 -4.929148
TR2 4DE 2 0 50.290154 -4.914357
TR2 4DF 6 0 50.285348 -4.918131
TR2 4DG 2 0 50.27885 -4.919632
TR2 4DH 15 0 50.318453 -4.930584
TR2 4DJ 8 0 50.320784 -4.929098
TR2 4DL 11 0 50.320608 -4.927879
TR2 4DN 5 0 50.320404 -4.928835
TR2 4EG 9 0 50.320179 -4.929538
TR2 4DP 1 0 50.319878 -4.929351
TR2 4DQ 1 0 50.296507 -4.923308
TR2 4DR 10 0 50.319126 -4.929572
TR2 4DU 16 1 50.317401 -4.930196
TR2 4DS 8 2 50.317967 -4.930529
TR2 4EN 2 0 50.317758 -4.930264
TR2 4DT 31 2 50.318036 -4.929227
TR2 4RZ 4 0 50.318309 -4.92844
TR2 4DW 2 0 50.320223 -4.928813
TR2 4DX 11 0 50.31671 -4.932289
TR2 4DY 10 0 50.316522 -4.92833