all postcodes in TR2 / TRURO

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR2 4HA 13 0 50.352131 -4.93384
TR2 4HB 4 0 50.352668 -4.939623
TR2 4HD 11 3 50.353163 -4.947375
TR2 4HE 36 0 50.291419 -4.947049
TR2 4HG 6 1 50.297143 -4.95749
TR2 4HH 2 0 50.288705 -4.944021
TR2 4HJ 3 0 50.284156 -4.940788
TR2 4HL 3 0 50.27616 -4.939326
TR2 4HN 14 0 50.281223 -4.950743
TR2 4HP 5 0 50.251527 -4.970569
TR2 4HQ 1 1 50.295204 -4.943548
TR2 4HS 5 0 50.246393 -4.984123
TR2 4HT 3 0 50.237372 -4.976378
TR2 4HU 10 1 50.282895 -4.969789
TR2 4HW 4 0 50.268575 -4.963813
TR2 4HX 11 1 50.286641 -4.981264
TR2 4HY 4 0 50.292662 -4.975182
TR2 4HZ 52 0 50.291736 -4.945875
TR2 4JA 12 0 50.291144 -4.969484
TR2 4JB 3 0 50.293646 -4.969065