all postcodes in UB / Southall

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Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District

UB / Southall

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB1 2JG 10 0 51.512506 -0.372426
UB1 2JH 71 3 51.511766 -0.371645
UB1 2JL 31 8 51.513039 -0.371989
UB1 2JN 1 1 51.513521 -0.373038
UB1 2JP 8 0 51.526517 -0.364711
UB1 2JQ 1 0 51.511492 -0.371958
UB1 2JR 16 0 51.515111 -0.372275
UB1 2JS 9 0 51.5152 -0.372877
UB1 2JT 7 0 51.516345 -0.372433
UB1 2JU 8 0 51.516213 -0.371991
UB1 2JW 27 3 51.514112 -0.372815
UB1 2JX 20 0 51.516401 -0.370615
UB1 2JY 6 0 51.516687 -0.370504
UB1 2JZ 19 1 51.516637 -0.369483
UB1 2LA 1 1 51.517005 -0.368778
UB1 2LB 6 0 51.517427 -0.371962
UB1 2LD 12 0 51.517409 -0.371314
UB1 2LE 9 0 51.517132 -0.370834
UB1 2LF 38 17 51.516843 -0.371392
UB1 2LG 20 0 51.516612 -0.37349