all postcodes in UB / Southall

find any address or company within the UB postcode area

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District

UB / Southall

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB1 2DA 11 0 51.51754 -0.376224
UB1 2DH 24 0 51.519026 -0.377728
UB1 2DJ 26 0 51.5214 -0.377082
UB1 2DL 58 5 51.521745 -0.376608
UB1 2DN 4 0 51.521145 -0.37552
UB1 2DQ 28 0 51.519776 -0.377341
UB1 2DR 8 0 51.51238 -0.373093
UB1 2DS 6 0 51.512111 -0.37316
UB1 2DT 1 1 51.50371 -0.414351
UB1 2DU 34 1 51.511762 -0.37264
UB1 2EA 30 0 51.512988 -0.382569
UB1 2EB 35 0 51.51401 -0.382388
UB1 2ED 32 0 51.515048 -0.382683
UB1 2EE 40 0 51.516223 -0.382469
UB1 2EU 15 0 51.517462 -0.369295
UB1 2EX 8 0 51.517694 -0.369214
UB1 2EY 15 0 51.518754 -0.368405
UB1 2EZ 42 0 51.520672 -0.366744
UB1 2HA 33 0 51.522565 -0.365134
UB1 2HB 32 7 51.5245 -0.364524