all postcodes in W1F / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1F postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1F 7DE 1 0 51.513413 -0.13895
W1F 7DF 1 1 51.513449 -0.138992
W1F 7DG 1 0 51.513477 -0.139019
W1F 7DH 6 0 51.513614 -0.139172
W1F 7DJ 1 0 51.513651 -0.1392
W1F 7DL 1 1 51.513687 -0.139212
W1F 7DN 1 1 51.513574 -0.139476
W1F 7DP 1 0 51.513428 -0.139367
W1F 7DQ 1 0 51.513541 -0.139118
W1F 7DS 1 0 51.513382 -0.139283
W1F 7DU 4 0 51.51321 -0.139217
W1F 7DW 2 1 51.513501 -0.139407
W1F 7DX 1 1 51.513191 -0.139146
W1F 7DY 1 0 51.51318 -0.139046
W1F 7EA 1 0 51.513126 -0.13899
W1F 7EE 1 0 51.513356 -0.138765
W1F 7EF 4 0 51.513339 -0.138823
W1F 7EH 1 0 51.513438 -0.137681
W1F 7EL 2 2 51.513726 -0.137586
W1F 7EN 1 1 51.513438 -0.137681