all postcodes in W1F / LONDON

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Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1F 7JG 11 0 51.514145 -0.139208
W1F 7JL 4 4 51.514166 -0.138663
W1F 7JP 1 0 51.51424 -0.138383
W1F 7JQ 1 0 51.514179 -0.139091
W1F 7JS 2 2 51.514318 -0.138207
W1F 7JT 7 7 51.514404 -0.137958
W1F 7JU 2 0 51.514427 -0.137727
W1F 7JW 1 1 51.514208 -0.138489
W1F 7JY 6 5 51.514584 -0.137374
W1F 7LD 1 1 51.514295 -0.140168
W1F 7LE 6 1 51.514785 -0.139748
W1F 7LJ 1 1 51.515123 -0.138462
W1F 7LL 1 0 51.51541 -0.138465
W1F 7LN 3 3 51.514867 -0.13879
W1F 7LP 1 1 51.514679 -0.138293
W1F 7LQ 10 0 51.515108 -0.138665
W1F 7TS 5 5 51.514845 -0.141342
W1F 7LW 1 1 51.514925 -0.139047
W1F 7LY 1 1 51.515336 -0.137776
W1F 7NA 4 4 51.514599 -0.137215