all postcodes in W1F / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1F postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1F 7ND 1 0 51.514401 -0.137223
W1F 7NE 1 0 51.514091 -0.137467
W1F 7NJ 4 4 51.514045 -0.136863
W1F 7NN 3 2 51.513946 -0.136824
W1F 7NQ 3 3 51.514209 -0.137
W1F 7NS 8 0 51.513827 -0.136728
W1F 7NU 1 1 51.513691 -0.136661
W1F 7NW 3 3 51.5139 -0.136797
W1F 7NX 1 1 51.513637 -0.13662
W1F 7NY 4 0 51.513599 -0.136535
W1F 7NZ 1 0 51.513554 -0.136508
W1F 7PB 1 0 51.513348 -0.139976
W1F 7PE 1 0 51.513348 -0.139976
W1F 7PF 4 0 51.5134 -0.139858
W1F 7PG 1 0 51.513399 -0.139801
W1F 7PL 1 1 51.513485 -0.139552
W1F 7PN 1 0 51.513521 -0.139522
W1F 7PP 4 4 51.513712 -0.139111
W1F 7PQ 1 0 51.513399 -0.139801
W1F 7PR 3 3 51.513738 -0.139037