all postcodes in W1U / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1U postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1U 1ET 0 51.515405 -0.150629
W1U 1EU 6 51.515459 -0.150642
W1U 1EW 0 51.515187 -0.150523
W1U 1EX 0 51.515505 -0.150669
W1U 1EY 2 51.51555 -0.150681
W1U 1EZ 4 51.515613 -0.150707
W1U 1HA 1 51.515613 -0.150707
W1U 1HB 1 51.515676 -0.150734
W1U 1HD 1 51.515731 -0.15076
W1U 1HE 0 51.515776 -0.150773
W1U 1HF 0 51.515821 -0.150785
W1U 1HZ 1 51.515723 -0.150285
W1U 1JB 1 51.514755 -0.149921
W1U 1JD 1 51.514752 -0.149733
W1U 1JE 1 51.514755 -0.149921
W1U 1JF 0 51.514755 -0.149921
W1U 1JG 1 51.514903 -0.15016
W1U 1JJ 1 51.514759 -0.150151
W1U 1JL 1 51.514759 -0.150151
W1U 1JN 1 51.514687 -0.150125