all postcodes in W1U / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1U postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1U 1NN 1 51.515745 -0.150529
W1U 1NP 1 51.515628 -0.150505
W1U 1NR 0 51.515556 -0.150494
W1U 1NS 1 51.515556 -0.150494
W1U 1NT 2 51.515501 -0.150467
W1U 1NU 0 51.51532 -0.150373
W1U 1NW 0 51.515691 -0.150531
W1U 1NX 0 51.51542 -0.150441
W1U 1NY 2 51.515213 -0.150324
W1U 1NZ 0 51.515465 -0.15044
W1U 1PB 2 51.516608 -0.146516
W1U 1PD 1 51.516164 -0.149157
W1U 1PE 1 51.516568 -0.14682
W1U 1PF 3 51.516568 -0.14682
W1U 1PG 1 51.516568 -0.14682
W1U 1PH 0 51.516482 -0.147098
W1U 1PJ 3 51.516482 -0.147098
W1U 1PL 1 51.516482 -0.147098
W1U 1PN 1 51.516385 -0.147653
W1U 1PP 1 51.516184 -0.148119