all postcodes in W1U / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1U postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1U 1PQ 3 51.516482 -0.147098
W1U 1PR 1 51.516164 -0.149157
W1U 1PS 1 51.516164 -0.149157
W1U 1PU 0 51.51605 -0.149883
W1U 1PW 1 51.516184 -0.148119
W1U 1PY 1 51.515967 -0.150362
W1U 1PZ 3 51.515959 -0.15042
W1U 1QA 0 51.515899 -0.150624
W1U 1QE 0 51.515876 -0.15087
W1U 1QF 0 51.515876 -0.15087
W1U 1QR 1 51.515541 -0.15244
W1U 1QT 0 51.515984 -0.15026
W1U 1QU 5 51.515541 -0.15244
W1U 1AU 1 51.516184 -0.148119
W1U 1QY 10 51.515296 -0.154006
W1U 1QZ 0 51.515261 -0.154037
W1U 1JA 4 4 51.514752 -0.149733
W1U 1QX 6 6 51.516184 -0.148119
W1U 1AT 1 0 51.514541 -0.151702
W1U 1ED 1 1 51.514537 -0.150222