all postcodes in W1U / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1U postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1U 1JQ 1 51.51485 -0.150205
W1U 1JT 0 51.515984 -0.15026
W1U 1JY 1 51.51516 -0.151634
W1U 1DJ 2 51.515515 -0.151767
W1U 1LE 0 51.515379 -0.151827
W1U 1LF 3 51.515342 -0.151756
W1U 1LG 1 51.51516 -0.151634
W1U 1LP 1 51.514735 -0.151464
W1U 1LS 1 51.51516 -0.151634
W1U 1LT 4 51.515307 -0.150114
W1U 1LX 0 51.515235 -0.150103
W1U 1LY 1 51.515479 -0.15018
W1U 1LZ 1 51.515364 -0.150159
W1U 1NA 2 51.51548 -0.150237
W1U 1NB 0 51.515479 -0.15018
W1U 1ND 1 51.515605 -0.150218
W1U 1NE 1 51.515687 -0.150258
W1U 1NF 1 51.515723 -0.150285
W1U 1NH 3 51.515841 -0.150338
W1U 1NJ 0 51.515863 -0.150611