all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 1QB 27 1 52.728595 -1.911629
WS15 1QD 22 0 52.727925 -1.917435
WS15 1QE 5 0 52.729195 -1.907571
WS15 1QF 16 0 52.728409 -1.904057
WS15 1QG 36 0 52.72731 -1.912002
WS15 1QH 3 0 52.727474 -1.915037
WS15 1QJ 1 0 52.728747 -1.909334
WS15 1QL 3 0 52.727029 -1.920621
WS15 1QN 2 0 52.729017 -1.939995
WS15 1QP 2 0 52.730595 -1.951662
WS15 1QQ 19 0 52.727428 -1.913024
WS15 1QR 5 0 52.735866 -1.935696
WS15 1QS 2 0 52.738413 -1.928207
WS15 1QU 17 15 52.744329 -1.928538
WS15 1QW 2 0 52.728453 -1.943081
WS15 1QY 1 1 52.745185 -1.930053
WS15 1RD 13 13 52.742245 -1.929629
WS15 1RE 17 9 52.744322 -1.930233
WS15 1RL 10 0 52.745881 -1.921727
WS15 1RU 19 0 52.749178 -1.933306