all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 1SA 8 0 52.750181 -1.927823
WS15 1SB 16 0 52.750857 -1.929911
WS15 1SD 30 0 52.7502 -1.931388
WS15 1SE 16 0 52.749544 -1.92935
WS15 1SG 25 0 52.749805 -1.930639
WS15 1SJ 32 0 52.750742 -1.933882
WS15 1SQ 8 0 52.750074 -1.928638
WS15 1TA 49 0 52.751151 -1.926059
WS15 1UA 11 0 52.750319 -1.933186
WS15 1UY 10 7 52.748302 -1.915229
WS15 1UZ 25 23 52.749597 -1.915019
WS15 1XZ 1 0 52.76163 -1.935703
WS15 1UW 11 52.750478 -1.913911
WS15 1UL 11 52.749299 -1.912654
WS15 1HF 0 52.751042 -1.942572
WS15 1BF 0 52.747823 -1.923531
WS15 1GR 0 52.752887 -1.927997
WS15 1UN 3 52.74893 -1.912433
WS15 1FB 0 52.757356 -1.929708
WS15 1GS 0 52.747379 -1.931487