all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 1NW 33 0 52.751202 -1.936963
WS15 1NX 26 0 52.753063 -1.936338
WS15 1NY 2 0 52.746692 -1.913943
WS15 1PA 22 0 52.75292 -1.939355
WS15 1PB 20 0 52.750034 -1.938283
WS15 1PD 16 0 52.749414 -1.938654
WS15 1PE 4 0 52.747692 -1.915546
WS15 1PF 8 0 52.747512 -1.914643
WS15 1PG 17 0 52.728208 -1.91092
WS15 1PH 3 0 52.75105 -1.92197
WS15 1PJ 18 0 52.749646 -1.920106
WS15 1PL 1 1 52.74634 -1.909935
WS15 1PR 1 1 52.753081 -1.908647
WS15 1PS 4 1 52.744694 -1.910066
WS15 1PT 1 1 52.743665 -1.903467
WS15 1PW 1 1 52.748162 -1.918508
WS15 1PX 17 0 52.737136 -1.912382
WS15 1PY 7 0 52.733816 -1.908998
WS15 1PZ 8 0 52.73013 -1.907525
WS15 1QA 34 0 52.728883 -1.912304