all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 1BA 16 0 52.747254 -1.933857
WS15 1BB 17 0 52.748207 -1.933856
WS15 1BD 2 0 52.748782 -1.935628
WS15 1BE 38 0 52.752278 -1.931553
WS15 1BG 13 0 52.748629 -1.932966
WS15 1BH 19 0 52.748009 -1.932686
WS15 1BJ 44 0 52.74826 -1.931634
WS15 1BL 28 3 52.755156 -1.934349
WS15 1BN 35 1 52.752953 -1.932471
WS15 1BP 52 1 52.754453 -1.930335
WS15 1BQ 13 0 52.74746 -1.932287
WS15 1BS 35 0 52.751128 -1.931837
WS15 1BT 34 0 52.750767 -1.93115
WS15 1BU 35 0 52.750831 -1.93163
WS15 1BW 58 0 52.753789 -1.933418
WS15 1BX 34 0 52.751952 -1.926842
WS15 1BY 10 0 52.752085 -1.924383
WS15 1BZ 23 0 52.7533 -1.926974
WS15 1DA 15 0 52.752752 -1.927034
WS15 1DB 64 0 52.752762 -1.929049