all postcodes in WV16 / BRIDGNORTH

find any address or company within the WV16 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV16 6TJ 6 0 52.499851 -2.57898
WV16 6TL 7 0 52.497936 -2.577172
WV16 6TN 7 0 52.505572 -2.592683
WV16 6TP 19 1 52.486672 -2.600469
WV16 6TQ 15 0 52.49836 -2.578562
WV16 6TW 22 2 52.49679 -2.601432
WV16 6TX 3 0 52.534968 -2.480135
WV16 6TY 15 0 52.524119 -2.469874
WV16 6TZ 6 0 52.519088 -2.460553
WV16 6UA 10 1 52.510638 -2.467272
WV16 6UB 8 0 52.511134 -2.460116
WV16 6UD 5 0 52.502228 -2.445144
WV16 6UE 10 0 52.508917 -2.484035
WV16 6UF 21 0 52.510231 -2.498814
WV16 6UG 8 0 52.510336 -2.495293
WV16 6UH 6 0 52.529457 -2.507211
WV16 6UJ 13 0 52.51675 -2.500509
WV16 6UL 5 0 52.515994 -2.523651
WV16 6UN 11 1 52.510159 -2.537756
WV16 6UP 3 0 52.500875 -2.550915