all postcodes in WV16 / BRIDGNORTH

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Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV16 6UQ 7 0 52.529671 -2.491369
WV16 6UR 8 0 52.508866 -2.556776
WV16 6UT 8 0 52.527622 -2.526899
WV16 6UU 2 0 52.535404 -2.540864
WV16 6UW 14 0 52.510891 -2.552632
WV16 6XB 7 0 52.543123 -2.511868
WV16 6XD 21 0 52.543978 -2.521993
WV16 6XE 1 0 52.53774 -2.564838
WV16 6XF 15 0 52.54214 -2.571515
WV16 6XG 16 2 52.556427 -2.537877
WV16 6YR 1 1 52.534316 -2.419743
WV16 6YU 1 0 52.534316 -2.419743
WV16 6HS 1 0 52.460235 -2.394739
WV16 6NR 76 0 52.440316 -2.381862
WV16 6JJ 20 0 52.450641 -2.384368
WV16 6NS 0 52.440354 -2.381024
WV16 6LL 0 52.448694 -2.381994
WV16 6LY 0 52.449214 -2.383635
WV16 6JA 0 52.457278 -2.391887
WV16 6QF 0 52.420986 -2.582517