all postcodes in YO15 / BRIDLINGTON

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO15 3LD 22 54.076752 -0.201272
YO15 3LE 1 54.077546 -0.20087
YO15 3LF 2 54.078023 -0.200299
YO15 3LH 0 54.075126 -0.209764
YO15 3LJ 0 54.075755 -0.21264
YO15 3LP 5 54.075395 -0.203103
YO15 3LQ 0 54.074213 -0.213074
YO15 3LR 1 54.075641 -0.20381
YO15 3LS 0 54.073996 -0.202736
YO15 3LT 0 54.074088 -0.202227
YO15 3LU 0 54.072931 -0.203011
YO15 3LX 0 54.071121 -0.205214
YO15 3LY 0 54.070999 -0.206075
YO15 3LZ 0 54.070418 -0.206298
YO15 3NA 1 54.07219 -0.205748
YO15 3NB 0 54.073209 -0.20361
YO15 3ND 0 54.07371 -0.203893
YO15 3NE 0 54.073307 -0.204126
YO15 3NF 0 54.074936 -0.206073
YO15 3NG 2 54.073127 -0.213043