all postcodes in YO15 / BRIDLINGTON

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO15 3PN 0 54.080017 -0.205625
YO15 3PP 1 54.077229 -0.207365
YO15 3PQ 0 54.078265 -0.203896
YO15 3PR 0 54.078797 -0.206961
YO15 3PS 2 54.080213 -0.207344
YO15 3PT 0 54.080842 -0.205467
YO15 3PU 0 54.081291 -0.204866
YO15 3PW 0 54.078779 -0.206397
YO15 3PX 0 54.081201 -0.204228
YO15 3QF 1 54.060705 -0.241906
YO15 3QG 2 54.063975 -0.238651
YO15 3QH 0 54.05698 -0.239663
YO15 3QJ 0 54.06137 -0.220958
YO15 3QL 0 54.058555 -0.213135
YO15 3QN 112 54.065129 -0.218613
YO15 3QP 0 54.052228 -0.242478
YO15 3QQ 0 54.061109 -0.243677
YO15 3QR 0 54.028696 -0.245608
YO15 3QS 0 54.023474 -0.247522
YO15 3QT 1 54.038427 -0.240434